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Online Meeting: June - Building an AI chatbot with modern Angular

Photo of Alex M.
Hosted By
Alex M. and 4 others
Online Meeting: June - Building an AI chatbot with modern Angular


Exploring Angular's new features in practice through building a simple AI chatbot with AstraDB. You'll not only learn new features in Angular, but also get a view on how to add basic AI capabilities into your Angular application. We'll talk about the differences between Signals and Observables and how to think of them as well as how to easily migrate from Material 2 to Material 3 with just a few simple lines of code. We'll also show you how easy it is to use signals in your app and how nice the declarative control flow syntax is in practice.

Photo of Roanoke Valley .NET User Group (RVNUG) group
Roanoke Valley .NET User Group (RVNUG)
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