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Request for robot for tv commercial

From: steve g.
Sent on: Monday, September 24, 2007, 2:56 PM

The Adventure Science Center received a request for a robot to be used in a tv commercial.  If you have a 'bot as described below, please contact Gary directly.  Also, bring the 'bot to our next meeting or at least post a picture for us! :) 

From: Gary Conn [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Monday, September 24,[masked]:55 AM
To: Larry Dunlap-Berg
Subject: Robot needed for TV commercial


Hi Larry-
Thanks for taking the time to call me back. I am producing a TV commercial for a Tennessee university in which a girl student is delivering a hand-written message to her boyfriend across campus using her remote controlled robot. So I am looking for someone, preferably locally, that could rent us a cool, modern-looking, unusual, pro/am robot/vehicle to use in this commercial. The commercial will air primarily in Tennessee. Since it is being operated by a female, it doesn’t need to have any threatening weapons but should look cool and have some sort of an arm that can hold the note.
Please let me know if you can be of any assistance.

Gary Conn Jr.

Mobile: 243-GARY
209 Seventh Avenue N.
Nashville, TN 37219