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Wednesday's Game...

From: Jeff M.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 4:57 PM

Hi My Friends... There are still a few places left for tomorrow's Game Night.

Note: If you are coming to eat, please be there at 6:00pm.

All New Players should have watched the Intro Video (see below) AND
come at 6:30pm for an Intro to the Financial Statement and Game Play.

Remember there's a registration... if you're not eating please arrive
no later than 6:45pm to facilitate this sign-in process.

The Game(s) will begin promptly at 7:00pm and, including a break, will
take a full two-hours to play. Game Ends at 9:00pm with or w/o winners.

The IHOP restaurant closes at 10:00pm... and we all want a few minutes
to socialize and network (plus packing up the equipment and gear).

Once you play a couple times, this schedule will not seem so rigorous and
become second-nature to all.

Ever Yours,

PS: Game-Play Video -


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