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Good News from the Republican State Convention (Audit the Fed!)

From: Bob P.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 10:15 AM
California GOP: "Audit the Fed!"

Posted by Anthony Gregory on 09/28/09 12:32 PM

Writes Jerry Salcido: "Yesterday the California Republican Party adopted the following resolution which Michael Erickson, Chairman of the Sonoma County Republican Party and I (Chairman of the Alameda County Republican Party) submitted":

* Whereas, the California Republican Party applauds transparency and accountability in government and rejects government secrecy involving monetary policy that impacts the entire economy; and

* Whereas, serious discussions of proposals to oversee and audit the Federal Reserve are long overdue; and

* Whereas, the Federal Reserve can enter into agreements with foreign governments and foreign central banks and the United States Congress is prohibited from overseeing these agreements; and

* Whereas, the California Republican Party believes agreements made by the Federal Reserve with foreign powers and foreign banking institutions should be subject to Congressional oversight; and

* Whereas, the United States Constitution, gives the United States Congress the authority to coin Money and regulate the value thereof and does not give Congress the authority to delegate control over monetary policy to a central bank; and

* Whereas, auditing the Federal Reserve will allow Congress to assert its constitutional authority over monetary policy and help to protect the value of the United States dollar;

Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the California Republican Party, in defense of the United States Constitution, STRONGLY URGES the representatives of the 111th United States Congress to support the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 as set forth in H.R. 1207 and S. 604.

"Several members of the Campaign for Liberty including Matt Heath, Walter Stanley, David Latour, and David Ewing spent hours emailing, calling, and speaking in person with delegates of the California Republican Party over the course of the last 3 weeks in order to gain their support of the resolution," Salcido continues. "Our efforts resulted with a near unanimous adoption of the resolution. There was only one nay vote out of the hundreds of delegates in the CRP."

Bob Pegram
Computer Suport