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Re: [ronpaul-63] health care

From: Tracey
Sent on: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 1:30 PM

I just received this from a friend on facebook:
On Saturday night, Pelosi snuck through a government-run health care bill that passed in the House. Despite many of us protesting outside, she didn't get the message. We want citizens from across the nation to join us this Friday on November 13th at noon eastern time to call her DC office at (202)[masked] and flood the lines in protest. THIS WILL ONLY TAKE A MOMENT OF YOUR TIME but will send a huge message that we will not tolerate this government-controls-everything you-serve-us Congress. Join us on Friday the 13th at noon eastern time!

Again, call her DC office at (202)[masked] this Friday at noon and let's flood the lines in protest!

And if you are able to, feel free in addition to fax her at[masked] at noon as well.

Rather than calling random Blue dogs and moderates at the scheduled time and having a thousand voices scattered, it is better to be heard in one big shout to Nancy Pelosi, chief crafter of the House health care bill, that will send a message to all the other moderates that WE DON'T WANT THIS. It will be much more persuasive.

PLEASE EVERYONE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK AS MANY AS YOU CAN! Let's put the pressure to Pelosi and make Friday the 13th a wake up call.

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