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What we’re about

This Group is your Gateway to Authentic Egyptian Adventures!

🌟 What's Our Goal?
To bridge the gap between travelers and the true spirit of Cairo. We aim to create an unforgettable travel experience by immersing you in authentic local culture, connecting you with Cairo's locals, and crafting memorable adventures that go beyond typical tourist trails.

🤝 Who Are We Hoping to Meet?
Are you an adventurous spirit visiting Egypt? Do you wish to see the city through the eyes of a local? We are looking to connect with young, energetic travelers from around the world who are eager to explore, learn, and create bonds that last a lifetime. Whether you’re a solo wanderer or traveling in a pack, if you thirst for a deeper connection with the places you visit, you belong with us!

🎉 What Will We Do at Our Events?
Each meetup is an opportunity to:

Wander through hidden gems of Cairo with locals who know it best.
Experience Cairo’s vibrant markets, historic sites, and bustling street food scenes through guided tours.
Participate in exclusive events like cooking classes with local ingredients, Arabic language crash courses, and cultural exchange evenings.
Enjoy social gatherings at local hubs, from traditional tea houses to contemporary art spaces, ensuring each meeting is filled with fun and insightful interactions.

🌐 Why Join RouteFriends?
Connect Deeply: Forge genuine friendships with locals and like-minded travelers.
Travel Smart: Leverage our local knowledge to experience Cairo in a safe, affordable, and enriching way.
Live Authentically: Participate in activities that give you a real taste of Egyptian culture.
Support Locally: Each event is a chance to give back to the community, promoting sustainable and responsible tourism.

👋 Join Us Today!
Don’t just visit Egypt, experience it with us at RouteFriends! Dive into the heart of Cairo and come away with stories, friendships, and memories that no typical tour can offer. Whether you're here for a week or a month, let us make your Egyptian journey incredible.

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