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For Web site owners and managers

From: Jennifer
Sent on: Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 7:47 PM
I am putting together a small group consisting of Web site owners and managers (like myself) who are serious about trying new techniques on their Web site to increase exposure, leads and revenue.

The group will initially decide on a prioritized list of techniques they want to tackle along with a schedule. The list may include such items as podcasting, live streaming, e-mail marketing, SEO, link building, pay-per-click, viral marketing, etc. The focus will be on actually doing it, not just learning it.

The group is limited to 15 people and there is no charge. I will be creating a waitlist just in case someone drops out.

If you?re someone who has the time to try these techniques and appreciates the benefits of doing it in a structured process with others, then this might be a good group for you.

I plan on having the first meeting in the next few weeks. If you?re interested, please e-mail me at [address removed]. Please feel free to pass this on to others.


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