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MDOG Hikes! Hike Leaders Needed

From: Manchester Dog Owners G.
Sent on: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 8:50 PM
Hi Eveyone,

Hope you're enjoying the MDOG Hikes Meetup group! As you know, we don't charge to be part of this group thanks to Manchester Dog Owners Group sponsoring it

We do however ask for volunteers to lead hikes. Please E-mail me at [address removed] if you are able to lead one in the upcoming months. I would like to see the group continue but the only way that will happen is for people to step up. Hikes are typically the third Sat. of every month at 10:30 preferably in the Manchester area. Obviously the more hike leaders we have the more diverse the hikes will be.

If you're thinking I'd like to but don't know any trails the way many of us got started was to go online and look up a trail then walk it a few times. If you need help with this let us know, we'll help you map one out.


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