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SACA Golden Dragons MeetUp

Photo of Kitt Noythanongsay
Hosted By
Kitt N. and SACA Golden D.
SACA Golden Dragons MeetUp


All paddlers, drummers, and steers should:

  1. Stay home if sick.
  2. Clean boats and shared equipment after use
  3. Be aware of signs of heat related illnesses in yourself and others.
  4. Prevent heat illness by staying hydrated, wear lightweight clothes and take breaks as needed.
  5. Must sign a waiver

Teams of ten to twenty paddlers (depending on boat size) take to the water, paddling in synchronization. A steersperson at the rear maneuvers the boat. Teamwork is key, as races are often won or lost by less than one second. Dragon boating is a great workout for core, cardio and all-around fitness.
Want to give it a try? We’d love for you to join us! Most of our members had no paddling experience when they joined. We can teach you all you need to know and help you get into great shape. You’ll enjoy a great workout on Florida’s scenic waterways while meeting new people.

What you will need: Please bring water or a sports drink, sunscreen and hat, and wear clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting splashed (this is a water sport, after all). Also, bring a willingness to learn and have fun!

If you do not see a large number of attendees, don't worry. Our members’ only practice is right before the new member boat and veterans join the practice to teach and encourage you on your first dragon boat experience!

This event is for those new to Dragon Boating and usually takes place every other Saturday (we may move it up or forward due to events on that weekend).

Meeting place: Come to the Tampa River Center boathouse near the water next to the Laurel Street Bridge. Meet at the blue tables near the boat docks under the palm tree.

Cost: $5.00 payable by cash or Venmo to @SACA-GoldenDragons

Also visit our team page:

Photo of SACA Golden Dragons - Tampa Dragon Boat Meetup group
SACA Golden Dragons - Tampa Dragon Boat Meetup
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

Tampa River Center at Julian B Lane Park
402 W Laurel St · Tampa, FL
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20 spots left