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What we’re about

Hello beloved Sacred Masculines! Gratitude for your presence! Get ready to explore spirituality, authentic Tantra, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies, Sacred Sexuality and relationships ~ with a focus on dismantling harmful belief systems surrounding spiritual connection, our relationships, our bodies, coming together in union, sexuality and how we express ourselves sensually.

Growing up in the myriad unhealthy systems of society, we've taken on a great many beliefs that simply do not serve us and have led to repeating toxic relationship patterns, a serious shunning and shaming of our bodies and our sexuality, and a huge disconnect from our true spiritual nature.

Let us return back to our power, back to the beauty of our sexual and spiritual natures, to our healthy Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine essence ~ free to enjoy and thrive in sexy, loving, passionate, supportive, nourishing, inspiring relationships with ourselves and each other! With the courage to be ourselves and confident of our self-worth!

We'll be utilizing drum circles, sound and energy healing, movement and dance, meditation and discussion to open into new ways of connecting with our inner Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies ~ with intention of bringing them more into harmony, union and balance. As we harmonize our energies within, we harmonize our energies in our external world. Thank you so much for being here and I look forward to continued connection and growth!

Wishing you much love and liberation on your spiritual journey! ~ Sadie