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Saturday March 21st New Moon Equinox Celebration & Vegan Potluck!!!

From: Sarah Eve C.
Sent on: Friday, March 20, 2015, 9:51 PM

New Moon Equinox Celebration with Vegan Potluck- Plant Seeds of Harmony & Bliss!

The March Spring Equinox signals the beginning of spring. It is a time for renewal and rejuvenation as animals come out of hibernation and plants begin to bloom again. With the combined energy of the new moon, the spring equinox is perfect for re-birthing and creation.

Let us join together to spring forward in all areas of our life!

New moons are perfect for shedding light on truth and imminent situations asking for healing & attention. We will honor the energy of the powerful moon, committing to enlightening our hearts and spirits and being open to receiving guidance and healing.

The healing circle will include:
• Opening Ceremony
• Shamanic Drum Journey Meditations
• Dreaming and Creating our Intentions for the Future
• Mudras & Satvic Music
• Vegan Chocolate & Snacks
• Community LOVE & More!

When: Saturday March 21st

Time: 7-9:00 pm
**Please be respectful and arrive on time, we will close the doors by 7:20pm.

Where: The Three Jewels NYC
61 4th Avenue (near 9th street) 3rd Floor NYC

Take Subway 6 to Astor Place, NRQ456L to Union Square.

Please bring a vegan snack/small dish/fruit to share.

Have a poem, story, or song to share? All is welcome.

Cost: $25 prepaid
***Bring a friend, get a discount. 2 for $40.

RSVP with paypal for one:

RSVP with paypal for two:

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