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What we’re about

We are a small, friendly group of miniature wargamers and RPG enthusiasts who meet almost every week to play games, share fellowship, and usually have drinks and a meal as well. Occasionally, we just gather to make terrain or paint miniatures. When we need a break, we play boardgames.

All organizations need an ethos, something our membership can cohere around and identify each other by. Tabletop gaming is only a theme, and says nothing in particular about the kind of people we are. Our ethos is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, particularly the profession of faith as set out in the First and Second Ecumenical Councils (i.e. the Nicene Creed). On this common bond we base our fellowship.

Our gaming style is old school. We don't deal with 8-page backstories, characters have a real chance of dying in-game, etc... For wargames, we like to play scenario or narrative based campaigns and don't worry too much about points or tournament style gaming. We like to play with painted armies on fully finished terrain, but we are not snobs about it and will play with unpainted miniatures

For RPGs, we have/had ongoing campaigns, including:
*A mythical Ice Age North America campaign (Sword of Cepheus)
*Chain of Acheron campaign (5E D&D)
*Star Wars (WEG D6)
*Marvel Superheroes (TSR/FASERIP system)
*Various dungeon crawls (OSE).

For wargames, we primarily play 28mm sci-fi/weird war, particularly Konflikt '47/Bolt Action. We play a lot of '40k' style games, but we almost never use GW rules, instead using One Page Rules, Stargrunt II, Xenos Rampant, and so on. We also play fantasy stuff like Dragon Rampant, Frostgrave, etc... I have a large collection of 15mm Napoleonics I'd also like to put to use one day.

We experiment with new game systems and ideas often, so if you have a favorite I didn't mention we can probably be convinced to try it out.