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What we’re about

We are your local Trailblazer Community Group, here in Huntsville! If you are a Salesforce Administrator or other member of the Salesforce ecosystem, please come out. We would enjoy meeting you!

We are a newer group and you can help share the Ohana by spreading the word. Bring a colleague!

🚀 Salesforce partners and potential Salesforce customers are of course welcome!
🚀 Military, spouses, and veterans are of course welcome!
🚀 Information technology students are of course welcome!
🚀 Salesforce users are of course welcome!

Join the group at where you can also RSVP for meetings. RSVP'ing helps us plan and also gives you access to our feedback survey after each event.

✨ If there is a topic you would like to learn or an experience you would like us to provide, let us know! We are compiling a list of potential activities for future meetings.

✨ If you have Salesforce knowledge and talents you would like to share, let us know! We are compiling a list of potential presenters for upcoming meetings.

✨ If you have a restaurant or other meeting space you would like to offer our group, let us know! We are compiling a list of potential future venues.