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Meetup Cancelled: Havana Nights Salsa Social

From: Kendra
Sent on: Monday, September 17, 2012, 1:06 PM

Hey Salseros,

I just wanted you to know that we are going to move the party to Mad Donna's this Saturday.  Pablo contacted me, letting me know that he was also planning an event on Saturday, September 22, so we have decided to combine efforts and party together that night.  I will be teaching the salsa lesson at Mad Donna's from 9:30-10pm so please come out early to learn some cool new moves, and there will be open dancing from 10pm-2am.  The cover is only $7 and it should be a lot of fun!  Pablo will be posting more details about the event later today.  So please RSVP and let us know you're coming once he gets the event on the calendar.

Hope to see you there!



Saturday, September 22, 9:30-2am

Mad Donna's

1313 Woodland

Nashville, TN 37206


Havana Nights Salsa Social, scheduled to occur on Saturday, September 22,[masked]:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.

If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.