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From: Funtopia E.
Sent on: Friday, September 21, 2012, 5:19 PM
Let's celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with some delicious Tres Leches cake...yuuuuuum!!
Whether you want to linger at the bar watching the graceful dancers or join them for some exciting moves, come and join our friendly group for a fun time. Door opens at 9:30pm with a FREE basic salsa class taught by Kendra and additionally a Kizomba class, the latest exotic new world dance, given by Amber. Cover charge is only $7!!
Funtopia hosts dances every 4th Saturday of the month at our East Nashville venue.
Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Vallenato, House, Samba and other fun rhythms will be played all night by your own DJ Pablo on Saturday September 22nd at Mad Donna's.
1313 Woodland St.
Nashville, TN 37206
Come and spice up your life with us!!!
For more information about our events and classes or join our mailing list, e-mail us at [address removed], call [masked] or visit our website at!
The Funtopia Team

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