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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

OCT 4 is the cutoff date

From: John Morey - RE i.
Sent on: Monday, September 24, 2012, 2:41 PM
Reserve your room! It is free to reserve, pay when you use the room!! The discount WILL DISAPPEAR soon!!!
Out of towners... HOTEL CUTOFF DATE is OCT 4
Grab a bunch of friends together and share the cost. It is cheaper that way! Instead of paying for the room yourself, have some friends with you and share that cost!
SALSALABAMA JAM - is not that far away!!!!!!!
John "salseroblanko"
"Salsa in Huntsville is on the rise"

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