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Funtopia's Halloween Salsa Bash is Here!

From: Pablo
Sent on: Friday, October 9, 2009, 2:27 PM
Funtopia Entertainment is proud to present another Live Salsa Bash event on Friday October 30th conveniently located in downtown Nashville at:

Flyte Restaurant
718 Division St.
Nashville TN 37203
(Across from Frugal MacDoogal)

Don't miss the best Halloween Fiesta in town!! We will raffle prizes, and have fun contests during the event. Even the band will dress up!

The showcased band is Jimmy Bonilla Band, a talented local group that plays latin music including Salsa, Merengue and Bachata. DJ Blanco and DJ Pablo will also be spinning a variety of Latin tunes.

The event starts at 10:00pm with a basic salsa lesson by one of our Funtopia instructors.

Tickets are $15 at the door. Click here to learn how to get a discounted ticket. Pre-sale tickets (limited quantities) at $12 are sold at Back to Cuba Cafe (4683 Trousdale Dr, Nashville TN 37204).

Come and spice you life with us!!!

For more information about our events and classes, e-mail us at [address removed], call[masked] or visit our website at www.!

The Funtopia Team

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