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From: marcelles s.
Sent on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 10:53 AM

Salsa Boot Camp - Zero to Salsa IN One Day

Salsa boot camp will take you from zero to salsa in 1 day. It Takes Place on the 3rd Sat of Every Month from 2pm-5pm.  Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that slides on the

ground. Come alone, with friends, or with a partner. We will pair you up and rotate partners often. Atlanta Ballroom (6125 Roswell Rd Ne) is  in Sandy Springs across the

street from IHOP(Close to Loews, Whole Foods). This salsa boot camp is for beginners (no experience at all), and for all others who want refresh their basic Salsa skills. We

will also teach you a little Bachata and Merengue. Come ready to dance and have some fun. Cost is $40 at the door visit call or text[masked]  email  [address removed]

Salsa Class - Learn to dance Salsa

Salsa Classes are held on Sundays.  The 2pm class is for beginners who are learning to salsa dance for the first time.  Its also open to people who have taken a class here

and there who want to freshen up their basic skills to move up to the next level.  The 3pm class are for people who have had some experience dancing salsa.  It is a multi

level class, meaning some are very advanced and some are coming out of the beginner class.  We tailor this class for both giving the more experienced dancers more complex

dance moves to learn and taming down the same moves for the less advanced.  Salsa class is fun and open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds.  We will pair you up and

rotate partners often