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Early warning -- location change -- effective now!

From: Steve C
Sent on: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 11:00 AM

Dear Thinking Friends,

How's this for early notice? In June, Drinking Skeptically moves to Fiddler's Elbow in Sugar House. We'll have a quiet(er) room where (we hope that) we won't have to shout over a din. And, unlike downtown SLC locations, Fiddler's Elbow -- are you ready for this? -- its own parking lot.

Squatters Pub and, before them, the Beerhive Pub have been great to work with. I hope you'll continue being regular customers.

Not everyone who attends receives these emails, and I can't be sure that everyone who receives them will note this one. So if you run into anyone who plans to join us next month, please be sure they know about the location change.

Personal thanks to the tireless, resourceful and connected Dave McKean, who has arranged each of our meeting places. Without him, we'd be drinking skeptically on a curb somewhere.

Best regards,

Steve Cuno

* * *

DAY AND TIME: First Tuesday of the month, 7-ish p.m. till 9:30-ish.

WHERE: Fiddler’s Elbow, 1063 East 2100 South, Salt Lake City [masked])

FOOD AND DRINK: There’s a full menu, but ordering is optional. Enjoying one another’s company is not.

PROGRAM: Don’t be ridiculous. We sit down, we open our mouths (usually all at once), and let conversation chaos reign.

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