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New Meetup: Daley Ranch Ride

From: Neil E
Sent on: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 9:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Mountain Biking Meetup Group!

What: Daley Ranch Ride

When: August 9,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Planning to ride the route below starting from and ending at the parking lot on La Honda. The ride will be all on fire roads and the pace will not be very fast. The ride should take approximately 2 hours. Depending on who shows up and how hot it is we could add in a few more miles. I would consider this a good ride for fairly fit beginners or intermediate riders.

Ride Plan:

Creek Crossing .66
East Ridge .17
Sage 2.61
Jack Creek Meadow 1.9
Hidden Spring 1.06
Engelmann Oak .63
Couger Ridge 1.27
Boulder Loop 1.67
Ranch House .47

Total 10.44 mls

Learn more here: