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Request for Volunteers - Giro Di San Diego - California's Greatest Cycling Event

From: Dan
Sent on: Friday, June 28, 2013, 6:36 PM

I'm passing this along at the request of Lewis Jackson, who is involved with this event.

- Dan


Hello San Diego Mountain/Trail & Road Biking Meetup Members,


I am writing on behalf of the 2013 Giro Di San Diego, being held September 8th in Solana Beach. The Giro is a great time for cyclists of all ages and raises money for charities such as the USO Wounded Warrior program and Promises 2 Kids, which assists San Diego foster children.


The Giro is a community event and relies upon the support of local volunteers in order to happen. Our volunteers always have a great time. There's free good, goodie bags of cycling supplies, such as powerbar gels and bars, and the knowledge that you're giving back to your community. We would have to have you come out and support us.


Please follow the link below to see a list of volunteer positions available. We need all sorts of volunteers, so please don’t hesitate to help out where you can.


Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you out on the trail.


Lewis Jackson

Website for the event: Giro di San Diego Granfondo – California’s greatest cycling event



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