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Beat the May Gray and come out to play!!!

From: Skye
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 8:13 AM
StyleXplorers invites you to a Styl?

You can still get on the list. Just email me at [address removed] if you are coming out. This is not a Meet Up exclusive event so invite friends we have a bit more room. So far about 75 are on the list.

This is a pool SIDE party so wear some casual comfy but stylish summer clothes and will the may gray away.

Drink Specials like you've never seen at the Pearl, fun people and good times!

Note: If anyone has never been to the Pearl, it's a blast from the past and a lot of fun in Point Loma. I was shocked how cool it was once I went in. If you are looking for a nice funky but reasonably priced place to tell visitors to stay this summer you should come check it out today.


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