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Online: Saturday Study Group

Photo of Diane Chen
Hosted By
Diane C. and 4 others


We are continuing our Study group online for the time being.
We are now meeting online in the San Diego Python Discord server! Here is the link to join:
There is a "meetup" voice/video channel that we will be using!

We may start meeting in person soon! This will be discussed at the meetup. We are considering having some online, some in-person. Decisions, decisions!

Every Saturday we meet up with the larger Python community (including San Diego PyLadies (, Open BioInformatics San Diego ( and San Diego Artificial Intelligence ( to chat, learn, and hang out.

Our study group is for everyone on their Python journey, whether you're just starting out, an experienced pro, or anywhere in between. There's no formal instruction, just a bunch of folks who like to code. Sometimes we talk about a specific subject, sometimes answer questions, whatever!

Python Community Code of Conduct ( Python is much more than a software language. Python is a vibrant community made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to.

Photo of San Diego Python Users Group group
San Diego Python Users Group
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