What we’re about
Bienvenido a la Meditacion de Sahaja Yoga que nos ayuda a despertar la energia interna que nos da paz, balance y buena salud.
"Innato dentro de cada uno, reside el Espíritu que desea iluminarnos, para transmitir paz, gozo y la beatitud del Ser" Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, fundadora de Sahaja Yoga
Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Sahaja Yoga technique helps awaken inner energy that helps us to find peace, balance and good health.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- 21 Day- Free Kundalini Inner Energy Awakening - Online MeditationLink visible for attendees
Seeking new horizons and self-discovery? Try Kundalini energy awakening in 21 Days with- Free Online Guided Meditation course by Sahaja Yoga
### Why 21 days of meditation for Kundalini Awakening?
Seeking new horizons and self-discovery? Use New Year 2025- as an opportunity to challenge ourselves to rise higher with one journey we always missed- 'Journey Inside'. Be a part of 21-day Kundalini Awakening community on Zoom & WhatsApp from Sunday 26th January 2025 to 15th February 2025 every day. We cleanse our inner subtle system using the powerful yet gentle techniques of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. This is a spiritual meditation in which we awaken the inner energy called Kundalini that gently brings positive change within us-- making us more balanced, peaceful, and joyful. As you participate in daily classes, you will notice physical, emotional and spiritual healing. With pure desire, you may also feel Kundalini energy movement and its working on your fingertips and other physical manifestations. It will enable you to raise your consciousness to a higher dimension. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer-run, always free, and practiced in more than 100 countries.
No prior meditation or Kundalini awakening experience is needed.
Are you seeking this awakening from heart?
*******************************************************************************### Who is organizing this course?
A team of Sahaja Yoga meditation volunteers have been practicing and teaching 'Sahaja Yoga' meditation for decades. Sahaja Yoga meditation was invented by 'Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi' in 1970, who in a very Motherly fashion helped people to take to true meditation easily. The goal of this meditation is to reconnect us to Divinity and experience the universal consciousness within us. It is practiced in more than 100 countries and is always free. The course page is listed below. You need not register on it again.
Have you heard about Sahaja Yoga meditation before?
******************************************************************************### How to join?
### https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2121217171
or Zoom id: 2121217171
Same Zoom link from 26th January to 16th February.
Have you joined any kind of Zoom meetings before?
### What if I miss a day here and there?
Don't worry if you miss any class, we will help you make up on Sunday during one-to-one. Also, on the website daily recordings will be available.
Will that be enough to help you out with missed class?
********************************************************************************What happens in these 21 Days?
Week 1 Theme: Awaken the Kundalini energy & Know Thyself
Week 2 Theme: Spiritual Ascent & Chakras
Week 3 Theme: Nirchivarita (thoughtlessness) through meditation
Do you believe you can awaken Kundalini and achieve your self-discovery?
*******************************************************************************### Is it really free?
Sahaja Yoga meditation is always free. This course is completely free. The only charge is your dedication and sincerity of purpose for your growth. The only question is-
Do we have sincerity of purpose?
*******************************************************************************What if I have a question?
For any questions about the course please contact Bhargava at
bhargava.potukuchi@gmail.com or WhatsApp +15132038961Have we shared sufficient information for you to decide to join the free course?
*******************************************************************************### Kundalini Awakening
I bow to All the Seekers of Truth. This is a special time in the History of Creation that so many seekers have been born on this Earth. They have realized that there is something beyond than the mundane life they have to seek. This is not the seeking of one life. It is the seeking of ages which is being prophesied, has to be fulfilled now. There have been prophesies and prophesies about this great time. In India about 14,000 years back, Brigu Muni has written a book called Nadi Grant in which He has described you all saying that a day that will come when all these greater seekers, great seekers will be born on this Earth and that their Kundalini which is the Power of their True Desire will be awakened spontaneously and they’ll find out what they are.
But also there has been prophesies about many fake people coming on this Earth and they will try to delude and take people away from the truth.
There have been also great prophesies all over the world but especially in England about hundred years back a great poet called William Blake was born and He has written so clearly, so clearly about Sahaja Yoga that it is surprising how He has even exactly mentioned the house where I’ll be staying. Also that he has said that the men of God, meaning the seekers, the men of God will become prophets and they will have the power to make others prophets. This is the sign we should take when we are seeking the truth.
### - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Founder - Sahaja Yoga Meditation)
> Bring in your friends and families too to this course :)
- Curso gratuito de meditación 21 días. Despierta tu Poder Interior !Link visible for attendees
¡Despierta tu poder interior!
Comienza el año con actitud positiva y aprende a meditar para alcanzar un estado de paz interior y conciencia sin pensamientos y en solo 21 días!🌿
✅ Regístrate https://us.sahajayoga.org/es/21dias2025✧ Principiante - Intermedio - Avanzado
✧ Únete por Zoom para sesiones interactivas o utiliza YouTube
✧ Mentoría individual
✧ Todas las clases son gratuitas
📅 Sábado 1 de febrero – febrero 21 2025
Clases en línea todos los días a:
⏰ 8:00 pm ET (hora de Nueva York) |✨ QUÉ ESPERAR
En solo 21 días, con la orientación diaria de nuestro equipo en línea, experimentarás:
✧ Paz, calma y equilibrio interior ✧ Despertarás tu energía interior y conectarás con tu ser superior
✧ Aprenderás técnicas poderosas para liberar el estrés y aumentar la claridad
✧ Alcanzarás nuevos niveles de conciencia y autoconocimiento“Después de establecer tu atención sostenida en el Espíritu, desarrollarás un estado donde estarás en un completo estado de testigo con gozo.”
— Shri Mataji, fundadora
Español; Curso gratuito de meditación 21 días. Despierta tu Poder Interior !
La meditación Sahaja Yoga es una experiencia de vida
Nos enfocaremos en lo que sientes mientras meditas durante la clase. Cubriremos un nuevo tema cada día.
En una sesión típica habrá:
✧ Meditación guiada
✧ Una charla de Shri Mataji, la fundadora
✧ Música en vivo
✧ Preguntas y respuestas
✧ Salas de trabajo para apoyo personalizado
🔗 LINK ZOOM 21 21 21 2025 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2121212025WEBSITE DEL CURSO
Únete cualquier día, no pasa nada si pierdes algunas sesiones.
Encuentra todos los detalles en:
https://us.sahajayoga.org/es/21dias2025🌐 ÚNETE A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD AHORA
Compartiremos nuestras experiencias, responderemos preguntas y enviaremos los recordatorios para cada clase.
Únete a haciendo click aquí: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FDvH7htlb9G7G6m06OSUCH🌀 SAHAJA YOGA
Fundado en 1970 por Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga es una práctica de meditación mundial operada por voluntarios y siempre gratuita. Permite a las personas que buscan la verdad alcanzar su autorrealización, la cual es clave para la conciencia sin pensamientos, también conocida como el silencio mental, y la base para una buena salud y bienestar. Sahaja Yoga se practica en más de 108 países.