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Monday Night Discussion

Photo of John G
Hosted By
John G. and Tim Elliott .
Monday Night Discussion


Tonight we're discussing Chapter 2 of The Basic Ideas of Occult Wisdom by Anna Kennedy Winner
All are welcome
Santa Fe Monday meeting

Monday, May 6 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: Santa Fe / Mountain
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

1. If there is a knowledge that explains the meaning and purpose of life, how may we come
to know this knowledge? What methods would be used to learn this knowledge?
2. How can the study of “comparative religion” give insight into the Ancient Wisdom?
3. What evidence is there that the mystics who have lived through the ages have actually gained direct access to truth?
4. What does the information from psychical research indicate about the nature of human
5. What is telepathic communication?

Photo of Santa Fe Theosophical Society group
Santa Fe Theosophical Society
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