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And The Fun Continues......

From: Tia
Sent on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 10:10 PM

Wow! Hard to believe it's been a month since the last gathering. So much has happened yet it seems like just yesterday. We appreciate all the positive feedback from the Maritime gathering! It was truly a special night. I had so much fun at the end of the evening I realized I never had a glass of wine.... many beautiful conversations, connections and so many new faces.

And the fun continues..... Yes we are mixing it up a bit and heading to EOS! Forecasting another balmy Santa Barbara day with a magical evening mingling with your fellow wine connoisseurs. Lets continue reaching out to new wine lovers, embracing familiar faces and living life out loud!

EOS has provided some nice specials and the hugs are always welcomed and free!

See you soon!

Tia & Kaylin


PS: Please update your r.s.v.p. and we'll look for ya :)



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