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Re: [scala-phase] Scalathon 2014?

From: Rob E.
Sent on: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 10:39 AM
I think the Scalathon's a great idea, and I'd be interseted do a workshop on GeoTrellis\have a table at the hackathon where I helped people get started with hacking on Geotrellis.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Brian Clapper <[address removed]> wrote:
On Feb 20, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Daniel Kozlowski <[address removed]> wrote:

So it sounds like it would be interesting, but I still don't exactly know what it is. How does scalathon compare to the NEScala conference ? 

Scalathon is a hackathon, not a conference. In its past two incarnations, we set aside time for talks, but the primary focus of such an event is to bring Scala open source project teams together with people who 

  • want to learn more about the projects
  • may want to become contributors to open source projects (and, thus, to the overall Scala ecosystem)
  • want to meet some of the people in the Scala community in a somewhat more informal setting

Think of it as a complement to something like NEScala. Like NEScala, a hackathon is community-oriented. However, it’s less about talks and more about encouraging participation.


Brian Clapper, [address removed]
President & Principal Consultant: ArdenTex, Inc.
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