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Tuesday July 20: Clarion Event with Samuel R. Delany at Mysterious Galaxy (Clairemont)

From: Allison L.
Sent on: Monday, July 19, 2010, 4:42 PM
Tuesday July 20, 7:00 PM

Clarion Event with Samuel R. Delany.

Mysterious Galaxy hosts Clarion Instructor Samuel R. Delany, author of such seminal works as Nova and Dhalgren. He is the winner of four Nebula Awards, two Hugo Awards, and the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a Lifetime?s Contribution to Lesbian and Gay writing. In addition to teaching at the Clarion Writers Workshop, he is being honored as a guest of San Diego Comic-Con International later in the week. Lucky attendees may be privy to a preview of his work in progress, Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders.

Mysterious Galaxy Books
7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302
San Diego, CA 92111

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