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Author Daniel H. Wilson

From: McKenzie
Sent on: Thursday, February 19, 2015, 7:37 PM

Hello everyone!

So, I got a pretty cool email from the Community Relations Manager at the Barnes and Noble where I work and where we meet.  Here is a copy of what Shawn sent me: 

"Popular, Portland author Daniel H. Wilson ("Robopocalypse", "How to Survive a Robot Uprising", etc.) is doing a reading/signing next Thursday (the 26th) from about 5:30-7 in the back left corner of the bookstore.  It's for a cool Vancouver school - Shahala Middle School - which will show of tech. projects and also boasts a Star Trek enthusiast in the form of its school librarian. Here's a link to the event:"

I am going to try and make this one because it sounds pretty cool.  If you want to go all you have to do is show up, nothing else!
