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Cramond Island

Photo of Matt
Hosted By
Cramond Island


Cramond Island is a diverse island you can walk to during low tide. It has historical war bunkers/structures and farm ruins. It's just a cool place to explore really :)

The plan:
We will meet at Haymarket train station at 12, grab some snacks in a nearby supermarket, then get the bus to Cramond to arrive there soon after 1 (cost: £4 return; ~45 minutes each way).

We'll then walk down to the island (about a 20 minute walk) and then explore the island casually at our own pace. We can also divide into smaller groups if people want to explore at different rates.

The safe crossing times are ~1-5pm. We will likely be off the island by 4pm though.

The terrain on the island is rough and consists of a variety of different types including sandy beaches, loose rocks, small grassy hills, man-made and natural footpaths, and forested regions. Please wear good shoes.

The causeway to cross to the island is made from stone and can be slippery and rough with parts eroded. The route from the bus stop to the causeway is down a sizeable hill (and so the route back is uphill). We will of course take it as slow as needed though.

The island is quite exposed to the wind too so if the day is particularly cool or windy, please consider bringing an extra layer for warmth.

Photo of Asexual Meetups across Scotland group
Asexual Meetups across Scotland
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