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What we’re about

Welcome to Screen Free Socials – Your Gateway to a More Connected Life!

Are you looking to disconnect from the digital world and engage in more meaningful, real-life experiences? If yes, you've found your tribe! Join us at Screen Free Social, where we embrace the joy of living offline.

Who We Are:
We're a community of like-minded individuals based in Manchester who crave real connections outside the glow of our screens. Our group caters to anyone eager to take a break from their digital devices and engage in wholesome, screen-free activities.

What We Do:
Our meetups take place in cozy, independent cafes around Manchester, offering the perfect backdrop for relaxation and creativity. Whether you're into reading, knitting, journaling, or simply looking to chat with someone new, our gatherings are designed to foster a welcoming environment where all are encouraged to unwind and express themselves freely.

Why You Should Join:

Digital Detox: Unplug and give your eyes and mind a break from screens.
Boost Creativity: Engage in activities like reading and knitting that fuel your creative fires.

Meet New People: Enjoy the company of fellow enthusiasts and make lasting friendships.
Personal Reconnection: Rediscover your hobbies and passions away from the distractions of notifications and newsfeeds.

Re-energize: Refresh yourself in a relaxed atmosphere that recharges both your mind and spirit.

At Screen Free Social, we believe that the best moments come from simple pleasures. Our digital detox hangouts are more than just meetings; they're a movement towards a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle. Come join us and experience the magic of true connection and creativity!

Ready to give it a try? Dive into our cozy retreats from the digital world and let your creativity and connections flourish. We can't wait to meet you!

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