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What we’re about

Welcome to the AFK With Coffee Meetup group!

Work from home is exciting in the first few months. After a year, you long for an in-person office setup, and you wonder whether hybrid setup would have been better.

Let's get together and shake up this boredom. Let's get together and share some tips on how to reduce the feeling of isolation. Let's talk, like real humans do, without the screens.

This group is perfect for tech-savvy individuals who work from home or remotely and are interested in discussing the intersection of technology and society. Join us for informative discussions, networking opportunities, and social events focused on staying connected in a virtual world. Whether you're a seasoned remote employee or just starting out, this group is a great way to meet like-minded professionals and share tips on navigating the world of home offices and remote work. Let's come together offline to connect in an online-driven world!

Upcoming events

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