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What we’re about

Welcome to The Tampa Bay Area Screenwriters Group!
Join us for a supportive and collaborative environment where screenwriters can table read and workshop their original works in progress. New members and actors are always welcome!
Key Details:
- We read 15-30 pages at a time from three different writers.
- All participants must sign a non-disclosure agreement.
- Rules and guidelines are reviewed at each meeting.
For Writers:
- Come prepared with at least 5 copies of your script.
- Include a logline and a list of characters.
- Reading slots are open to writers who have attended at least one meeting prior to requesting a slot.
Open to writers of all skill levels.
To request a reading slot, please email: 
We have moved to the Town and Country Library until further notice.
Happy writing, see you at the movies. - Diane, Terri, Eric & Valerie

Upcoming events (4+)

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