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TDD/BDD workshop in November - Meetup Discounts!

From: John Ferguson S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 10:22 AM
Hi All,

There are a few spots left on the next Melbourne BDD/TDD masterclass, scheduled for November 19-20. Since this course is very much in the spirit of the Coding Dojos we have started running in Melbourne, I've organised a special Coding Dojo discount of $150  for this course, bringing the price from $1800 + GST to $1650 + GST. Just enter the "MEETUP13" discount code on the registration page!

Don't forget, this workshop is not language-specific: tools and examples of the techniques we discuss are given in Java, C# and JavaScript, and the labs can be done in any language! You can even bring your own laptop!

The format is pretty flexible, and can change based on what people are interested in - last time we did some exercises in JBehave as well as the unit-test level BDD.

Here is a quick rundown of the course:

BDD in Action: Advanced TDD/BDD Master class

Testing and TDD Workshop 

Learn TDD/BDD from the author of BDD in Action

Test Driven Development (TDD) is an essential technical skill for any modern development team. But TDD is notoriously hard for teams to adopt effectively without experienced guidance. The first steps are the hardest, and can decide whether TDD adoption will succeed or fail within the organisation. Don't leave it to chance! Let an expert practitioner put you on the right track!

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a core agile practice that underlies Agile development methodologies such as Scrum and XP. Behaviour Driven Development takes TDD further, making it more effective and easier to use. Some of the benefits of TDD/BDD include:
    Fewer defects! Teams practicing TDD regularly report 90% or more fewer bugs, significantly reduced maintenance costs, as well as higher quality, easier to understand, more flexible code.
    For developers, Behaviour Driven Development is a form of Test Driven Development that makes TDDeasier to learn, easier (even fun!) to practice, and that results in higher quality, more focused, andmore effective tests.
    Teams also experience a significant reduction in manual testing effort, especially when combined with automated acceptance testing.
    BDD encourages developers to write tests in the form of executable specifications. The unit tests act as comprehensive regression tests, making the code much easier and safer to change, and also provides illustrated examples of how to use the services and APIs in your application.

Course Overview

This course is a practical and hands-on introduction to Test Driven Development and Behaviour Driven Development. Students will learn how to write high-quality unit tests, or more precisely, "executable specifications", to write better designed, more maintainable and more reliable code. Students will also discover how BDD helps keep development focused on the real requirements, resulting in a higher quality product for the end user. These are skills that every developer needs to master.

This workshop focuses on the approach as much as the tools themselves, and will discuss TDD tools for both JAVA and .NET. Students will have the option of doing the labs either in Java (JUnit, Mockito, Spock), .NET (NUnit, Moq, Specflow) or Javascript (Jasmine).

Course Outline

Day 1 - BDD/TDD principles and fundamental practices
    Principles of Agile Requirements Gathering
        Discovering and defining requirements, BDD-style
        Writing high-level executable specifications
    Test Driven Development basics
        Introducing Test Driven Development
        BDD and TDD: discovering what tests to write
        Writing high quality unit tests using JUnit, NUnit, NSpec, Jasmine and Spock
        Writing unit tests as executable specifications
        Unit tests as living technical documentation
        Pair programming
Day 2 - Advanced Test Driven Development
    Data-driven tests
    Principles of interaction-based testing
    Types of mock objects: stubs, fakes and doubles
    Using mocking libraries
    London-style TDD: discovering system design using mocks
    Refactoring strategies
    TDD for legacy code
    More coding exercises

To ensure an optimal learning experiences, class sizes are limited. Book early!

You can book on the site, or just get in touch with me directly. Looking forward to seeing you on the course!

John Smart | Wakaleo Consulting  |  [masked]
Optimizing your software development process  |  [address removed]

Check out our upcoming BDD/TDD Master classes, coming 

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