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Let's discuss LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) with an International Expert now June 18

Photo of Brenda Fay
Hosted By
Brenda F.
Let's discuss LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) with an International Expert now June 18


Let's talk LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) with one of the leading experts in the topic. Gene is one of very few globally (and in the USA) Certified LeSS Coaches (CLC) and Certified LeSS Trainers (CLT). Gene’s company (KSTS Consulting) is the only Certified LeSS Coaching company in the USA.

Gene has built and supports the biggest, fastest growing and most active in the world Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) community (>6300 members). He also spearheads other communities: Product Management, Business Agility and Kanban (cumulatively counting >5000 people). Please see .

If you have questions about LeSS, this is the place to be!

Photo of Scrum Beers Halifax group
Scrum Beers Halifax
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