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Is Agile Dead? with Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller

Photo of Jamie Kriegel
Hosted By
Jamie K.
Is Agile Dead? with Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller


Join Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller as they delve into the world of Evidence-Based Management (EBM), arguing its indispensability in effectively managing and measuring the success of Agile practices. With a focus on how EBM can be strategically employed to steer teams towards their goals, the duo emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making in an Agile context. By exploring real-world examples and providing actionable insights, they aim to equip attendees with the tools and understanding necessary to assess whether Agile is truly working for their teams or organizations.

About Ryan & Todd
Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller are known for their expertise and contributions in advancing Agile ideas and practices.

Ryan Ripley, with his extensive experience in project management and leadership is a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with His insights are shaped by hands-on experience and a deep understanding of Agile principles.

Todd Miller brings a unique blend of development, leadership, and product management skills to the table. As a seasoned developer and Professional Scrum Trainer (PST), he specializes in guiding teams and organizations through data driven decision making and delivery.

Together, Ripley and Todd co-host the popular "Agile for Humans" podcast, where they explore various aspects of Agile practices, share their experiences, and provide practical advice to help individuals and organizations flourish in an Agile setting.

They co-wrote "Fixing Your Scrum" and more recently "Unlocking Business Agility with EBM" along with Patricia Kong and Kurt Bittner.

Photo of Scrum Masters of the Universe group
Scrum Masters of the Universe
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