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Fun Dive & Barbecue

From: Andre
Sent on: Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 4:21 PM


Join us for a fun dive at Round Valley this Saturday.

We will do a leisurely dive and enjoy the cool oddities of the lake. We'll explore the snail trails etched into the bottom and check out the platform with fishes

Water clarity and rich aquatic life make Round Valley Reservoir one of the best freshwater lakes in New Jersey for scuba and skin diving. Diving is permitted from April 1st through October 31st. Scuba divers must be certified.  All divers are required to have a dive buddy. Divers will have to check in with the ranger station  and fill out a waiver and registration sheet. Please bring a Form of ID and your Divers certification Card.  Diver should also obtain a car pass from the ranger station.

Dive Details

Plan - :to Explore the cove

Depth-:  up to 55 feet

Dive time : Plan to be at the waters Edge at 10:15 am with your equipment setup


Some of Round Valley Dive  rules

• - A dive flag is required per Buddy Team

• -Each scuba diver while in the water must have a snorkel in possession and  accessible for immediate use.

• -Scuba Diving Hours is between 10am  - 2PM ( Free Entry at this Time of Year)

• Rules are highly enforced.

Barbecue Details:

Divers are encouraged to bring family members so while you dive they can enjoy the beauty of the park , go hiking in the trails or even just simple reading a book. We will meet in the East area at 8:30am  to pick a barbecue location and setup.

- Please Bring something to contribute to the barbecue - eg: water (Lots of water), food , Chips, dips, burgers,hot dogs, buns , deserts and ETC....... In the comment section you can list what you are bringing

1877 scuba shop is offering attending members:

• ***$3 Air fills***

*****1/2 Price rental packages *****

• Discount on Equipment purchased

• Please stop by the shop and pick up any additional equipment you may need

• To receive this price you must RSVP on the meetup***


When: Saturday, October 18,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Round Valley Recreation Area
1220 Lebanon-Stanton Road
Lebanon, NJ 08833