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Nostalgia Book Club

Photo of april
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I thought I posted this way back, but apparently not. I know I post a lot of not directly art related stuff, but I think this has broad appeal. It's a great group of folks!

Have you ever thought about the books you read for school in elementary school or junior high and wondered how they held up? Or did you miss reading some of them altogether? Well, we're going to be reading and discussing them in this group.

For the record, I'm not talking about things you probably read for pleasure (i.e. Harry Potter, Stephen King), or things that verge on high literature (i.e. Steinbeck, Shakespeare, Hemmingway), but the narrow band of children's literature actually written for that age range. My examples include The Giver, Hatchet, or Island of the Blue Dolphins. All those were Newbery award winners, and we'll probably draw extensively from this list: Newbery Medal - Wikipedia
I'm going to restrict the range to things written in the 20th century, though if this really gets legs, we can expand. I'm mostly interested in reading some of the things from my youth that I vaguely remember.

This event is co-ed (mostly because Dave was super interested in it and helped work on the concept), and all ages, so feel free to invite whoever may be interested. We'll meet on the second Thursday of the month. We'll meet on zoom, and here's the link:

THE BOOKS ARE SELECTED ONE MONTH AHEAD AT THE PRIOR MONTH'S MEETING. So, May's book was selected in April, etc. They will be announced on the event comments on the Thursday night or Friday morning after our meeting.

NB: I don't know how any of these books have aged, and I am not posting any TWs, so please be aware these books are across the board and use your discretion.

Photo of SD C.R.A.F.T.S - Craft Randomness and Finishing Things Society group
SD C.R.A.F.T.S - Craft Randomness and Finishing Things Society
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