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Invitation to present at djangosd's June meeting

From: Theresa O.
Sent on: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 1:05 PM

I'm Ted, and I run the Django group here in San Diego. Our June
meeting is on Wednesday the 24th at the Hive, a great coworking
space downtown. All of the details are on our wiki:


Django is one of the supported frameworks of Google App Engine, and
many other Google web technologies run on Python, have Python client
libraries, and that sort of thing. Last month we had a great talk
from the developers behind Wikipedia Game
<URL:https://wikipediag...;­, which uses XMPP with BOSH and
Strophe for their real-time architecture. I'd like to invite anyone
with an interest in using Python on the web to attend, and in
particular, I'd love to see a talk from someone involved with GAE or
other Python-based Google technology.

If you're interested in speaking, please sign up on the wiki page
linked above. If you'd like to simply attend and see what we're all
about, all are welcome.

I hope to see you on the 24th!

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