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Re: [Seattle-Analytic-Philosophy-CLUB] still no space - PLEASE HELP!

From: Paul N.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 4:46 PM
Hi Mr. Novack,

This is Paul and I'll take a shot reserving a place in the common lounge in my apartment for our next Meetup. I'm not sure if the manager is around (she's unavailable for most of the time) but I'll give you a heads-up either if I do or do not succeed next Tuesday. Also, may I ask approximately how many people will attend and for how long we will host the Meet-up? That'd help me a lot when talking to the manager.

On the side notes, I'm back :)

Hope to hear from you soon.


From: Alex Novack <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, October 15,[masked]:14 PM
Subject: [Seattle-Analytic-Philosophy-CLUB] still no space - PLEASE HELP!

Hi Philosophers!

The last appeal went unheeded. Please help us find a new meeting space, either in Seattle or Bellevue. Libraries are a no-go, we already checked. Perhaps you have a private meeting space in your apartment complex or you have a nice employer who wouldn't mind us using the space after-hours (you can tell him we will include him/her as a "sponsor"), or perhaps even you wouldn't mind opening a room in your home for us (we will remove our shoes and be courteous). 
We'd like to schedule the next meetup for Oct 24 or 25, at either 6pm or 6:30pm, if we can reserve a place in the next few days.

Meanwhile, I'm working on finding a place out where I live, Issaquah, which is about 5 miles past Bellevue on the 90. But, I think that may be too far for most folks.

Many Thanks:

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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