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New Meetup: Kayak repair and maitenance

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Friday, September 18, 2009, 7:55 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Kayak repair and maitenance

When: September 27,[masked]:30 PM

Saul's House
[masked]th Ave NE
Kenmore, WA 98028

Have you been thinking about repairing the gouges or pinholes on your kayak or replacing rudder cables or hatch covers or just want to wax your hull to make it go a bit faster?

We will do a kayak maintenance party at my house. I will supply resin, fiberglass, mixing sticks, sandpaper, mixing cups, boat wax and some cable.

The repairs I plan on making if you want to watch and learn are:
Reglass the keel of the Necky Amuruk tandem, it had worn through and was leaking on the San Juans trip so we did an emergency repair, now I want to fix the whole bottom.
Replace the rudder cables on the Yellow PWS tandem.
Replace the hatch covers with a newer style, including the addition of webbing on the NWK Seascape triple.
Possibly add webbing with buckles on the Necky Tofino tandems or at least put retention line on the hatch covers so they don't fly off when people forget to tie them back down at the end of a paddle.

If you have a fiberglass kayak then you are set, if your's is Epoxy then bring some epoxy and hardener, I'll have a small amount for tiny repairs.

Everyone should bring gloves to work with as the stuff is kind of nasty on your skin, chemical safety gloves made of a rubbery compound work best.

See you there - Saul

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