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New Meetup: Welcome 2010 - Happy Hour & More! (Seattle side!)

From: Clint
Sent on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 3:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Eastside Skiing/boarding adventure group!

What: Welcome 2010 - Happy Hour & More! (Seattle side!)

When: January 7,[masked]:30 PM

Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery
1333 5th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101

More than just a great happy hour at a great microbrewery... the SEATTLE Rock Bottom is tapping a new monthly beer (for only $2 a pint)... AND donating the proceeds to our favorite new non-profit org... SkiDUCK!

Come early or come late - just be sure to bring $2 for a beer!

For more info about SkiDUCK, check out

If we get enough folks signed up EARLY we'll try to get your names in for a door prize/drawing for some free SWAG or ski stuff.

Learn more here:

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