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Final update for Sunday's Stroll :-)

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Friday, September 14, 2012, 6:21 PM

Hello everyone!

As you know I've been in contact with the Washington State Ferries. Below you will find their "rules" -- it's pretty basic stuff, if it says Keep Out, KEEP OUT. Please read it. I would never think anyone from our group would fall out of compliance with their requests ;-)  I will check in with the Captain/Chief Mate as stated in line 2.

Also, I hope I didn't make the meeting location too confusing. The statue of Ivar is (according to Google Maps) between the Fire Station and Ivar's -- honestly, I thought Ivar's Restaurant was much further north! And yes, it's the one where he's feeding the Gulls. I will wait till 10:40 as in the event posting. If you miss us there, look for us in the walk-on passenger holding if the boat hasn't loaded by the time you get there. If you can't find us on the boat, we'll gather on the other side and wait for a few minutes before heading out. If you are new, I likely will not have a sign, don't be shy and ask around!

Weather is looking spectacular!

Cheers - Leilah.


From WSFerries -- please read:

I just discussed this with a Port Captain and he does not have any issues with the activity your propose for Sunday Sept. 16th, 11 a.m. departure from Seattle and returning on 3 p.m. from Bremerton.  (It’s okay if some take a different return ferry in the p.m.)  Please make sure you read, understand and pass along this information to your photography group members:

· Filming or photos of WSF restricted areas and security equipment is strictly prohibited. This includes security cameras, locked doors and security keypads.

· A group representative should check in with the vessel’s Captain or Chief Mate before beginning their activities.  They can be found shortly after departure in the ship’s office, main passenger cabin.

· Filming or photo shoot activities on vessels or at terminal facilities must not interrupt WSF’s scheduled ferry service at any time.

· Filming activities that harass customers are prohibited and constitute grounds for removal from WSF property.

· Failure to follow instructions from WSF Terminal Supervisors, vessel crew, or WSF Operations managers or failure to abide by any of the guidelines listed above or below is grounds for removal. Groups so removed will be barred from scheduling future filming activities.

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