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Don't wait, vote now! Stroll, 21st of July: Ballard Locks: What time do you want to meet?

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Monday, July 8, 2013, 10:22 AM

Please cast your vote here:


This month's stroll will be at the Ballard Locks on Sunday, 21st of July.

I was hoping for a later start time to this month's stroll. Looking at the calender for the park, I have two proposals that I would like you to vote on.

The first, we meet "early", 12:30, in time to join the free tour at 1:00, then for those who are interested, catch the Swing band at 2:00 -- photo opt? Or just head out and explore.

The second choice, we could forgo all of that and meet at 3:30, leaving time for folks who came for the concert to clear out, and then head out and explore.

What do you think. I love a later start time, but I've never taken the tour; if I have, it was when I was a kid. The tour lasts an hour. I'm not so much into the Swing band, but some of you might be?

Please, ONLY VOTE IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING. You may vote for both. Vote for your fave or the time you can attend. You have till tomorrow morning around 9:00 AM to vote, then I'll close the poll and send out the event details :-)


Cheers - Leilah.

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