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Tarot Foundations Course- Last Chance for Discounted Registration!

From: Seven S.
Sent on: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 3:42 PM

Hello everyone!

The last day to register at the discounted price for the summer “Tarot Foundations” course is coming up! Register by this Wednesday, May 15 to get $40 off your tuition and pay $285 instead of the regular price of $325. You can pay and register at

Here are the course details:

Level I: “Tarot Foundations” Course

Summer 2013 Course: June 4- July 23, every Tuesday 6:30-9:30pm

Course Content:

Week 1, June 4: How and Why Tarot Works

Week 2, June 11: Using Your Intuition: Connect with Your True Self

Week 3, June 18: Interpreting the Cards

Week 4, June 25: The System of Tarot & Numbers: The Hero’s Journey to Enlightenment

Week 5, July 2: The Minor Suits

Week 6, July 9: The Major Arcana 0-6

Week 7, July 16: The Major Arcana 7-13

Week 8, July 23: The Major Arcana 14-21

Course Cost: $325 includes all instruction, Tarot workbook and journal

EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register for $285 by May 15, 2013

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!

Seven Star

Executive Director

Seven Star Tarot & Seattle Tarot School

Tarot readings, classes, and mentoring   ~

Summer 2013 Tarot classes start June 4!

For details and registration:

Connect to your present   -   Create your future

You are powerful !


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