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Next Treasure Tarot Learning Circle: Reading Practice with Court Cards

From: Seven S.
Sent on: Monday, July 13, 2009, 2:35 PM
Hi everyone :)

Our next Treasure Tarot Learning Circle is:
Sat, July 25, 12pm

Our topic:
"Practice Reading: Court Cards"

This is our monthly Circle to practice reading. We will focus on court cards as we discussed, and I'll present a few spreads that are especially conducive to reading court cards. I'll be available to answer any questions and coach as needed during the readings.

I will present the topic and provide handouts, and welcome any other tips, ideas or inspirations anyone would like to share with the group! As always, bring your questions about Tarot and your passion and intuition! Handouts and journals provided. Coffee and tea also provided, and feel free to bring snacks if you like.

About the fee: Your $12 helps to pay for drinks, space rental, handouts, instruction, and dues. To help get an accurate count of attendees, the cost will be $15 if you pay at the door, but $12 through Amazon Payments when you RSVP.

Thank you, everyone, and I look forward to seeing you all again at this Treasure Tarot Learning Circle!
-Seven Star

July Learning Circle 2: Reading Pra?

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