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Bowlero Overland Park - Bowling and Pizza Party

Photo of Kira Schlesinger
Hosted By
Kira S.
Bowlero Overland Park - Bowling and Pizza Party


  • Come out for a bowling and pizza party on June 8th. We will have the lanes for 1.5 hours, which should give us time to play and chat. If there is enough interest, we will meet at Bowlero 10201 College Blvd., Overland Park. Bowlero will provide shoes, balls, pizza and non-alcoholic beverages. You can purchase additional/different food & drink from Bowlero. If we get 12 people, the price is about $33.00 per person. Payment will be required in advance to save your spot. NOTE: I am still working on how best to handle the payment arrangements, so for now, if you're interested please RSVP and just be aware that payment will be required. For that reason, if you want to attend this event, you must RSVP and pay one week ahead of the event. Contact me by email if you want to arrange a Venmo payment. Please be sure to provide a way to contact you personally. RSVPs will close on 6/1/24 at 5:00 p.m. Also, if you want to bring a guest, please make sure they know this is a paid event. IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND AN THE RSVPs ARE CLOSED, PLEASE MESSAGE ME. I can probably update the number with Bowlero, but that means that the price will change. Thanks!
Photo of Secular Humanist Social Meetup Group group
Secular Humanist Social Meetup Group
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Saturday, June 1, 2024
10:45 PM
Bowlero Overland Park
10201 College Blvd · Overland Park, KS
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