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Re: [semweb-25] Let's talk about reification!

From: Hank W.
Sent on: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:36 AM
> Having done research on the Semantic Web technologies for several years
> myself, it bugs me we can't really get this off the ground beyond a mainly
> academic/research world. There is still a long way to go.

The reason for this is that before you can think about subjects as
complex as reification people must think in terms of representing
really basic application objects in terms of graphs. Things will take
off when people start thinking about storing info like contacts,
calendars, invoices, tags, comments, etc as items in a graph. Right
now the only problem spaces that people consider for the graph model
are inherently academic and not at all mainstream.

When your average web developer thinks in terms of graphs instead of
MySQL we will *begin* to make progress.


blog: whydoeseverythingsuc­

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