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Happy Thanksgiving - New York Semantic Web Meetup

From: Marco N.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 5:44 PM
Hi Meetup,

The next New York Semantic Web Meetup will take place at the New York
Times on December 4th. Evan Sandhaus, "chief semanticist" at the
Times, will present the new New York Times Corpus and will talk about
Semantic Web related work at the New York Times.


If you have some time over the weekend and you want to dig a little
deeper into the meaning of semantics you might as well want to check
out Rick Murphys blog.  He will soon present to the Washington
Semantic Web Meetup and as you can probably say from his blog post:
yes, he hangs out a lot at the ontolog forum.


Are there any Semantic Web startups attending the next session? If so,
please drop me a line.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Marco Neumann
Your New York Semantic Web Meetup Organizer

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