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New Meetup: SEMpdx Webinar: You Can't Go Home Again: Usability in a Search-driven World

From: Todd M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 4:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group!

What: SEMpdx Webinar: You Can't Go Home Again: Usability in a Search-driven World

When: February 24,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Online

Meetup Description: In the good old days of the web, we always knew where home was. Visitors were well-behaved and usually knocked on the front door. In a Google world, though, visitors arrive when and where they please, and if you want to keep those visitors happy, you'd better be ready for them.

Join Dr. Peter J. Meyers, President of User Effect and 2009 SEMMY finalist, and discover:

How to create effective "signposts" for your visitors
Why "midstream" usability is vital to your SEO efforts
How to analyze and capitalize on midstream visitors

You'll also learn how to improve usability beyond the home-page, orient your visitors, and use search-driven behavior to ultimately improve both your conversion and your SEO.

To register for this free webinar, please click here.

Learn more here:

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